What is Cheeky Tunes Friday Happy Hour and what does Interactive Monologues have to do with it?
In times of isolation, staying motivated can be a challenge for many.
Yoga is for me - and for many I know - a practice that allows us to work on our body, mind and spirit.
And there are no excuses for not practising. We can always make it happen. And there are some amazing lessons available online.
Like Paramahansa Yogananda would say "“Music that is saturated with soul force is the real universal music, understandable by all hearts.”
So I paired up with other beautiful souls from Perth - Nikki Dagostino and Fiona Cooper - so together we can lift each other's moods and share all this joy with whoever wants to be part of it.
And although on my own I will do some mantra chanting, I love all kinds and genres of music and sharing this experience brings joy to my heart.
Click here to join via Zoom.

How did Cheeky Tunes come about?
Cheeky Tunes Friday Happy Hour via Zoom Live Streaming on Facebook is an independent initiative from three friends with a few common objectives: supporting positive moods, performing arts and small businesses during the COVID19 Crisis - Quarantine.
Nikki Dagostino is an accordionist and pianist, known as Little Miss Squeezebox, and a dear entertainer very well-known in Perth and across the music industry in Australia. When the Quarantine was announced, much like many musicians and performers world wide, Nikki had to all her events cancelled. As a full time musician, the shock was described to her friend Claudia J. Rondon - founder of newly born brand Sweet Cheeks Wear, who still works as an integrated producer and strategist and who is a hobbyist musician. Claudia then had the idea to join efforts together in a co-creation that would not just be a really good outlet to allow the creative juices to keep flowing and in supporting music - which we all love - the initiative of this interactive live show online could then allow music to also give us the support we all need right now to stay physically distant but stay socially and emotionally connected in the right vibe.
Nikki invited another friend who has also been working in the creative and online space to join and participate - Fiona Cooper, former ABC Radio host, experienced singer, MC and presenter.
Cheeky Tunes happens every Friday at 6:30pm (AWST) and 8:30pm (AEST) presented by Fiona Cooper, Claudia J. Rondon (founder of Sweet Cheeks Wear) and Nikki Dagostino (Little Miss Squeezebox). Featuring special guests from different industries, small businesses and musicians.
Missed any episodes? Follow Interactive Monologues You Tube Channel for updates on this live cast and more.
Yoga is for me - and for many I know - a practice that allows us to work on our body, mind and spirit.
And there are no excuses for not practising. We can always make it happen. And there are some amazing lessons available online.
Like Paramahansa Yogananda would say "“Music that is saturated with soul force is the real universal music, understandable by all hearts.”
So I paired up with other beautiful souls from Perth - Nikki Dagostino and Fiona Cooper - so together we can lift each other's moods and share all this joy with whoever wants to be part of it.
And although on my own I will do some mantra chanting, I love all kinds and genres of music and sharing this experience brings joy to my heart.
Click here to join via Zoom.

How did Cheeky Tunes come about?
Cheeky Tunes Friday Happy Hour via Zoom Live Streaming on Facebook is an independent initiative from three friends with a few common objectives: supporting positive moods, performing arts and small businesses during the COVID19 Crisis - Quarantine.
Nikki Dagostino is an accordionist and pianist, known as Little Miss Squeezebox, and a dear entertainer very well-known in Perth and across the music industry in Australia. When the Quarantine was announced, much like many musicians and performers world wide, Nikki had to all her events cancelled. As a full time musician, the shock was described to her friend Claudia J. Rondon - founder of newly born brand Sweet Cheeks Wear, who still works as an integrated producer and strategist and who is a hobbyist musician. Claudia then had the idea to join efforts together in a co-creation that would not just be a really good outlet to allow the creative juices to keep flowing and in supporting music - which we all love - the initiative of this interactive live show online could then allow music to also give us the support we all need right now to stay physically distant but stay socially and emotionally connected in the right vibe.
Nikki invited another friend who has also been working in the creative and online space to join and participate - Fiona Cooper, former ABC Radio host, experienced singer, MC and presenter.
Cheeky Tunes happens every Friday at 6:30pm (AWST) and 8:30pm (AEST) presented by Fiona Cooper, Claudia J. Rondon (founder of Sweet Cheeks Wear) and Nikki Dagostino (Little Miss Squeezebox). Featuring special guests from different industries, small businesses and musicians.
Missed any episodes? Follow Interactive Monologues You Tube Channel for updates on this live cast and more.